Just a girl who likes to daydream.

Hi, I’m Melissa!

I’ve wanted to start a blog since, I don’t know, since I knew that blogs existed. I’ve always been passionate about writing but never gave myself the time to nurse that hobby. I’m a mom to an amazing little boy, a wife to my sweet husband, and a professional daydreamer. I’ve been working the 9-5 lifestyle in mental health for the last seven years and needed an outlet, an escape from the grind and toxic hustle culture of corporate America. I distinctly remember a client asking me what I did for fun one day. I was stumped. I couldn’t give them a single answer. That night, I went home with that heavy on my heart and realized I wasn’t doing anything for myself. I was pouring myself into others all day and simply existing. I dedicated the next six months to re-discovering my passions, doing things for myself, and figuring out what I like to do. That path led me here to this blog, Cerebral Sabbatical. The name was born out of a series of unfortunate events where I was laid off from my job and didn’t have a plan. I had been on this path to find myself, begging for the opportunity to do what I loved. The universe gave me just what I wanted, a fresh start. During this forced time of reflection, I discovered that some of the things that light my world on fire are writing, traveling, decorating my home, and doing fun activities with my son. I plan to incorporate all these interests into my little mental vacation, my blog. Welcome to my Cerebral Sabbatical. I love having you here!

Melissa Townsend