my favorite needlepoint canvases

I’m certain this phenomenon is not unique to me, but for pretty much my whole life I have gone from one hyper fixation to another, rarely glancing back once I move on. This trend weaves through every corner of my life, from my ever-changing hobbies to my fleeting favorite foods, career musings, hairstyles, and countless other realms. I am the type of person who will eat the same meal every day for two weeks and then never want to eat it again. I will spend countless hours (and dollars) on a new hobby, buying the latest and greatest equipment for said hobby, only to abandon it within the month.  Sometimes, I catch myself wishing I could be different, yearning for something to stick. And then, as fate would have it, along comes my latest obsession... needlepoint.

I've always admired needlepoint work from afar, but the intricacies of its creation remained a mystery to me. Then, just a month or so ago, while indulging in my latest obsession—sewing—my journey took an unexpected turn through the world of TikTok (my go-to source for hyper fixations). Amidst the sea of sewing hashtags, a video caught my eye: @lillie_powell unboxing her newest needlepoint canvases. Go follow her by the way, trust me, she's an absolute gem—she’s adorable and full of tips and tricks. That first glimpse ignited a spark within me, and before I knew it, I was plunging headfirst into the mesmerizing realm of needlepoint. Hours melted away as I devoured Lillie's content, diving deeper into the needlepoint community. And there, I stumbled upon the enchanting designs of Morgan Julia and the exquisite creations of Penny Linn Designs. This whole post is pretty much a love letter to these two shop-owners, so obviously I recommend following them as well!

I guess before I show you some of my favorite canvases, I should explain what needlepoint even is. Dating back centuries, needlepoint emerged as a form of self-expression, where skilled hands transformed simple threads into intricate designs, adorning everything from clothing to furnishings. Rooted in the meticulous craftsmanship of those early artisans, needlepoint has traversed time, with the community embracing new techniques and drawing new inspirations along the way. What is truly exciting today is the “resurgence of needlepoint”, a vibrant revival fueled by modern makers eager to rediscover this timeless craft. From seasoned artisans to curious novices, a new generation is picking up needles, breathing fresh life into this age-old tradition. I’ve noticed lately that amidst the hustle of our digital age, I am seeing more and more young people embrace the ways of old and attempt to get back to the basics whether it be farming, gardening, making their own clothes, canning foods, baking sourdough, or many of the other traditions that had begun to slip over time. Personally, this revert to the olden days is so exciting to me as I find these forgotten traditions and lost arts fascinating and useful. In learning these timeless skills, we find purpose, accomplishment, and a resounding sense of fulfillment far removed from the glare of screens. So, I encourage you all to explore some of these hobbies once considered to be designated for your grandparents and you may be surprised by how fun they can be.

My favorites from

Penny Linn Designs

penny linn beginner kit

If you’re brand new to needlepoint, this adorable beginner kit is perfect to start with! This kit has everything you need from the bag to hold your supplies to the needle threader. There are several different beginner kits to choose from, but these little blue and white tobacco jars are to die for.

Shop the kit here!

Mi Cocina

Matchbook Canvas

I am a sucker for some Mexican food, and Mi Cocina just may be my favorite! I love that this design by Spruce Street Studio incorporates this super cute logo with a matchbook, giving the design more visual interest. They have these cuties in a ton more restaurants, check to see if they have yours!

Shop the canvas here!


If I could bring one thing with me to a deserted island, it may be Cholula. I put it on pretty much everything, so what better way to commemorate my love of this classic hot sauce than with this precious canvas by Wipstitch Needleworks?

Shop this canvas here!


Jessica Tongel Designs is the master of food-related canvases and this adorable stick of butter is at the top of my wish list! As a very amateur baker, butter is my kitchen staple! I am already envisioning a little kitchen Christmas tree with all these cute food-themed ornaments.

Shop this canvas here!

Lacroix Can

This adorable little 18-mesh canvas by Jessica Tongel Designs is a little intricate, but can you imagine how cute this would be finished into an ornament?  Personally, I'm obsessed with La Croix (drinking one as I type this) so I'm definitely getting this one for myself. 

Shop the canvas here!

Villain Era

I’m obsessed with this canvas from The Perennial Stitcher, I NEED it as a pillow pronto!

Shop this canvas here!

American Sails

This patriotic cutie from Morgan Julia Designs is absolutely adorable! I think this would make a great beginner project and it’s almost the 4th of July, what a great way to celebrate!

Shop this canvas here!

My favorites from Morgan Julia Designs

Christmas Bar Cart

Morgan Julia Designs is undoubtedly most known for her adorable bar carts! She literally has one for almost every occasion you can think of, but this Christmas one just may be my favorite!

Shop this canvas here!

Mineral Water

Topo Chico is the way to my heart and this cutie from Morgan Julia Designs is going right on my kitchen Christmas tree. The intricate details may look intimidating but the wonderful thing about needlepoint is you can rip those seams until you get it right!

Shop this canvas here!

oysters on the half shell

This canvas here takes me straight to my favorite restaurant overlooking the gulf. I can smell the saltwater and feel the breeze on my face. I’m not sure why almost all my favorite canvases are food, but we are just rolling with it here! The heart wants what the heart wants!

Shop this canvas here!

Gin & Tonic cocktail

The level of detail in this Gin & Tonic is so impressive and beautiful! This design looks a little advanced for a beginner, but it is definitely going on my wish list for the future!

Shop this canvas here!

My favorites from

travel round-

new york

This website has every kind of canvas you can possibly imagine. The inventory is actually a little overwhelming! I love all of their travel-themed canvases! Perfect for commemorating all your special trips!

Shop this canvas here!

Rainbow Row

This is one of the first canvases that actually made me want to learn needlepoint. I know this particular canvas would be very time-consuming, but thinking about these cute little Charleston-inspired houses on a pillow makes it feel like like it would be worth the time!

Shop this canvas here!

the golden retriever cameo

If there is anything my husband is obsessed with, it’s our dog! I love these beautiful dog breed canvases! I am on the hunt for a cavapoo! If you know of one send it my way!

Shop this canvas here!

I hope you enjoyed this collection and perhaps got some inspiration to try this classic hobby for yourself! I’d love it if you’d send me your favorite designs or any finished projects you may have! Thank you for reading! See you all next time!

-Melissa Townsend

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